Bastilla Premium Roasted Colombian Coffee - Colombian Coffee
Bastilla Premium Roasted Colombian Coffee - Colombian Coffee

La Bastilla

Bastilla Premium Roasted Colombian Coffee

Sale price$12.99 USD
3 reviews
3 reviews
Size:13.7 oz | 390 g
Grind Size:Ground


A Colombian coffee with a lot of personality, dark roasted and ground to give it an intense flavor, body and aroma. Through our platform you can get La Bastilla coffee in 450 g bag. It has differences that make it unique and give it an intense flavor, body and aroma.

La Bastilla Coffee comes with more flavor and more color so that it yields much more. The delicious beverage of great tradition that has accompanied us for many years, has a new cup profile, a more intense coffee flavor with more color and aroma, which will give you the ideal touch to enjoy it every day.

The coffee beans are carefully cultivated, harvested and selected, and then processed to give it its characteristic aroma and flavor. Enter our platform to buy a bag of this coffee with history in Colombia.

La Bastilla, coffee with history

From the history of Café La Bastilla, it is fair to say that they know coffee. They have been accompanying the daily lives of Colombians in every awakening, in every day and at the end of every meal since 1919. Their coffee beans are carefully cultivated, harvested and selected, and then processed to give them their characteristic aroma and flavor. This roasted and ground coffee reaches the table of millions of Colombians who prepare it and enjoy it to the last drop. In order to talk about this brand we must go back a hundred years, since it is important to know its history in order to understand where it has reached.

La Bastilla coffee was already there, in that special place that still remains in the memory of Colombians, when the railroad, the radio, aviation and television arrived. La Bastilla was already there at that moment in the history of our country when new roads appeared and, with them, new dreams and new challenges opened their way.

It has been more than a hundred years accompanying the progress of our land. The unmistakable aroma and flavor of La Bastilla has been present in the town squares on market days, in the kitchen of the grandmother who waits for her grandchildren with fresh bread, in business meetings in the business centers of our thriving cities, at the desk next to a computer where the last pages of a thesis of a future professional are written.

La Bastilla was present when our coffee began to be spoken of in all languages and many foreigners came from all over the world to get to know the mountains where it came from. From one moment to the next, Colombians began to make headlines in cycling, soccer, music, literature and now, gastronomy. When modern times arrived and the world became globalized, computers, internet and cell phones appeared in every house, but in our land we continued to preserve the love for the traditional, for the grandmother's seasoning, the custard and fritters at Christmas time, the secret friend to share gifts and the river trip on holidays. Even so, no matter how much times change, there are things that are still part of our essence, our tradition and our history, such as  la Bastilla Coffee.

Colombia, located in a corner of South America, is a country full of stories to tell, of cultural diversity, of hard work and, above all, of people who are passionate about what they do. How can we not feel proud to have been born in a supportive, brave, hard-working country, forged by our grandparents, that welcomes us and opens its arms to us through beautiful landscapes and high mountains. La Bastilla is a coffee with tradition in our coffee culture, with its famous aroma, flavor and presentation. In each cup of La Bastilla coffee the passion and effort of thousands of Antioquian families is present.

As a good Colombian There is something that must be discussed when talking about coffee. The blessing that the success of its cultivation was for Colombia. In 1927 the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia was created with the purpose of designing coffee policies, representing and defending the interests of the numerous coffee growers, planning and implementing marketing and sales programs, promoting the internal market and exports, technifying crops, creating service infrastructure in areas of large crops, carrying out pedagogical work and improving the quality of life of coffee growing families. With these programs the production and the number of Colombians that depend on the product of these coffee beans has grown exponentially.

International consumers have become very selective in their tastes and many are willing to pay a good price for a pound of excellent quality coffee. There are many factors that are taken into account when choosing a good coffee: the quality, the origin, the growing conditions and the whole process that is done to obtain the beans and then the roasting and grinding.

La Bastilla Coffee places great emphasis on the pride they feel for being Colombian; for carrying love and joy in their blood, infecting everyone that crosses their path. To be Colombian means to accomplish the impossible, overcoming all limits, facing difficulties, fighting for dreams and not sleeping until the duty is done.

To be Colombian is to tell the stories of our grandparents while we drink a cup of coffee, dance until we are tired, sing that goal we were waiting for at the last minute and put our soul into our work. Now, why do they say in La Bastilla that they are Colombians? Because they wake up before the sun to contemplate the sunrise while they drink a good coffee and take the products of our land to the table of millions of people, putting every last brick at the end of the day, because they take care of their own until the last moment of the day. We Colombians are not only unique, we are good to the last drop. In Café La Bastilla they feel proud of their identity and know that their talent transcends borders.

A good coffee can be enjoyed at any time of the day. At breakfast, at afternoon tea or mid-afternoon; hot to calm the cold or iced if it is too hot; the perfect excuse to meet with family or friends or simply enjoy it alone in front of a beautiful sunset from home: coffee is the drink that always accompanies us and generates wellbeing.

Curious facts

It is the second most traded product in the world, after petroleum, and expanded throughout Europe after arriving in Italy from Ethiopia. It arrived in Brazil in 1727 and today this country has become the largest producer of coffee in the world, having a third of the world production in its lands. It was only at the end of the XVIII century that the seeds were taken to Venezuela and then expanded to Colombia, where the Arabica variety is produced, known worldwide for being more aromatic than the Robusta variety. Although the United States and Germany are two of the countries where most coffee is bought, it was in Italy where the coffee shop market grew, thanks to the great consumption of its inhabitants.

The word coffee comes from the Arabic "qahhwat al-bun" which means "wine from the bean" and in the Colombian coffee region this magical bean has been used to its maximum potential. From the coffee bush the dry roasted and ground seeds are used, which contain alkaloids such as caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, and trigolenin, as well as phenolic compounds, organic acids, sterols, tannins and mineral salts.

Of caffeine, a bitter substance that appears in coffee, it can be said that it is an alkaloid chemical compound of the methylxanthine family and that in its process of digestion and human metabolism it splits into compounds that share some pharmacological actions of therapeutic interest, such as the relaxation of the smooth muscle, mainly in the bronchial tubes.  This brinco-dilator effect improves the oxygenation of the tissues; it also works as a stimulant of the central nervous system, an effect that is manifested in the elevation of the state of alertness, elimination of somnolence and greater resistance to tiredness, as well as the stimulus of the heart that is expressed in the increase of the cardiac frequency and of the force of contraction of the cardiac muscle.

Colombian coffee brands such as La Bastilla contribute daily to the growth of the country and to the economic development of all the families that depend on the production of this bean. They have done so for a hundred years and will continue to do so until Colombians and foreigners stop enjoying this beverage that, if we are sincere, will never pass.











Between 1000 and 1799 m.s.n.m.








Medium Dark

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